Manual osteopathic therapy is a gentle, straightforward approach to therapy. Manual therapy means that both the assessment and treatment are carried out with the use of the practitioner's hands. It is a drug-free, holistic approach to treating the body. It was founded by Andrew T. Still, and through the principles of the founder of Osteopathy, manual osteopathic practitioners attempt to bring the body into alignment so that the body can heal itself.
Principles of Osteopathy
The body is a dynamic unit:
Everything is interconnected and reciprocally interrelated. The pain that you feel may not be caused directly where you feel the pain.
The body has self-regulating mechanisms:
The body can repair, protect and detoxify in order to maintain balance and function optimally.
The structure of the body governs the function of the body and vice versa:
The functions and structures of the body are reciprocally related, when each part of the body is in alignment, the appropriate mechanical force is applied, allowing them to function properly.
Assessments and treatments of the body are active:
Treatments take a hands-on approach which is gentle and incorporates the multiple layers of anatomy in the body.
Initial Osteopathic Treatment
45 min | $75
An Initial Osteopathic Treatment consists of a client intake (health history, consent, and agreement forms) and a client information session followed by a general treatment and assessment. The goal of the initial treatment is to establish the client-practitioner relationship. The client will gain a clear understanding of what manual osteopathy is, and decide if it is the right fit for them. Please book an Initial Osteopathic Treatment if you haven't had an appointment with us in the past or haven't visited us in more than six months.
Follow-up Osteopathic Treatment
30 min | $60
A Follow-up Osteopathic Treatment consists of a reassessment and treatment. It is during these appointments that the practitioner is able to establish and implement a personalized treatment plan that meets the needs of each client. The frequency and duration is subject to change in relation to how the client responds to previous treatments. Please note that you can only book a follow-up appointment if you are an existing client.
Infant (0-2 y.o.) - Initial Osteopathic Treatment
30 min | $30
Manual Osteopathic Therapy can greatly impact the life of an infant and their family by correcting issues when they first arise. Treatment can improve issues such as difficulty with feeding, colic, reflux (excessive puking) gas, constipation, difficulty sleeping, general irritability or decreased range of motion. It also acts as a preventative measure for infant issues such as a developing flat spot by addressing motion restriction preventing the baby from being able to turn their head. Treatment is gentle and the infant is only given the amount they need. As a mother Natasha is sure to gain a babies trust and allow them to be comfortable. Be sure to dress your baby in comfortable clothing and bring a couple extra diapers. An Initial Osteopathic Treatment for an infant consists of a client intake (health history, consent, and agreement forms) and a client information session followed by a general treatment and assessment. The goal of the initial treatment is to establish the client-practitioner relationship. The client and parent/guardian will gain a clear understanding of what manual osteopathy is, and decide if it is the right fit for them/their child. An infant is considered to be less than 3 years of age. Client’s who are 17 years old or younger must be accompanied by their parent or guardian. Please book an Infant (0-2 y.o.) - Initial Osteopathic Treatment if your child hasn't had an appointment with us in the past or hasn't visited us in more than six months.
Infant (0-2 y.o.) - Follow-up Osteopathic Treatment
30 min | $30
Manual Osteopathic Therapy can greatly impact the life of an infant and their family by correcting issues when they first arise. Treatment can improve issues such as difficulty with feeding, colic, reflux (excessive puking) gas, constipation, difficulty sleeping, general irritability or decreased range of motion. It also acts as a preventative measure for infant issues such as a developing flat spot by addressing motion restriction preventing the baby from being able to turn their head. Treatment is gentle and the infant is only given the amount they need. As a mother Natasha is sure to gain a babies trust and allow them to be comfortable. Be sure to dress your baby in comfortable clothing and bring a couple extra diapers. An Infant (0-2 y.o.) - Follow-up Osteopathic Treatment consists of a reassessment and treatment. It is during these appointments that the practitioner is able to establish and implement a personalized treatment plan that meets the needs of each client. The frequency and duration is subject to change in relation to how the client responds to previous treatments. An infant is considered to be less than 3 years of age. Client’s who are 17 years old or younger must be accompanied by their parent or guardian. Please note that you can only book an Infant (0-2 y.o.) - Follow-up appointment if your child is an existing client.
Child (3-11 y.o.) - Initial Osteopathic Treatment
30 min | $30
Manual osteopathic therapy can greatly impact the life of a child in the years where they grow the most by correcting structural misalignment caused by such things as sporting injuries, childhood bumps and falls, and even growth spurts. Addressing these issues with osteopathic care will allow the child to grow symmetrically, increase their motor ability, allow their digestive and immune system to function properly, and increase their ability to focus. An Initial Osteopathic Treatment for a child consists of a client intake (health history, consent, and agreement forms) and a client information session followed by a general treatment and assessment. The goal of the initial treatment is to establish the client-practitioner relationship. The client and parent/guardian will gain a clear understanding of what manual osteopathy is, and decide if it is the right fit for them/their child. A Child is considered to be between the ages of 3 and 11 years old. Client’s who are 17 years old or younger must be accompanied by their parent or guardian. Please book a Child (3-11 y.o.) - Initial Osteopathic Treatment if your child hasn't had an appointment with us in the past or hasn't visited us in more than six months.
Child (3-11 y.o.) - Follow-up Osteopathic Treatment
30 min | $30
A Child (3-11 y.o.) - Follow-up Osteopathic Treatment consists of a reassessment and treatment. It is during these appointments that the practitioner is able to establish and implement a personalized treatment plan that meets the needs of each client. The frequency and duration is subject to change in relation to how the client responds to previous treatments. A Child is considered to be between the ages of 3 and 11 years old. Client’s who are 17 years old or younger must be accompanied by their parent or guardian. Please note that you can only book a Child (3-11 y.o.) - Follow-up appointment if your child is an existing client.
Youth (12-17 y.o.) - Initial Osteopathic Treatment
30 min | $45
An Initial Osteopathic Treatment for a youth consists of a client intake (health history, consent, and agreement forms) and a client information session followed by a general treatment and assessment. The goal of the initial treatment is to establish the client-practitioner relationship. The client and parent/guardian will gain a clear understanding of what manual osteopathy is, and decide if it is the right fit for them/their youth. A youth is considered to be between the ages of 12 and 17 years old. Client’s who are 17 years old or younger must be accompanied by their parent or guardian. Please book a Youth (12-17 y.o.) - Initial Osteopathic Treatment if you haven't had an appointment with us in the past or haven't visited us in more than six months.
Youth (12-17 y.o.) - Follow-up Osteopathic Treatment
30 min | $45
A Youth (12-17 y.o.) - Follow-up Osteopathic Treatment consists of a reassessment and treatment. It is during these appointments that the practitioner is able to establish and implement a personalized treatment plan that meets the needs of each client. The frequency and duration is subject to change in relation to how the client responds to previous treatments. A youth is considered to be between the ages of 12 and 17 years old. Client’s who are 17 years old or younger must be accompanied by their parent or guardian. Please note that you can only book a Youth (12-17 y.o.) - Follow-up appointment if you are an existing client.